About our Hospital

The building you are looking at is situated at the foothills of Marudhamalai Temple. Lord Subramaniar or Lord Murugar is the deity. This hospital is functioning since 1986 February in this locality, called as IOB (Indian Overseas Bank) colony. With a total capacity of 25 beds for in-patients, we are consulting, admitting and healing almost all kinds of dis-eases for people who have a true search to be free from diseases.

The Founder of this hospital, Dr R.Subramanian, is one of the pioneers of Naturopathy in the country and is well-known for his talks in the state of Thamizh Naadu. He is also regarded as one of the important people in spreading and making naturopathy a known method of treating diseases and a way of life too, at least for the people of Thamizh Naadu. He along with his wife, Dr Pavitra Subhramanian, who is also a nature cure doctor, run this hospital with an aim of creating an awareness of the natural way of living and eating. She takes care of all the functioning of the hospital.

In a strict sense, we are orthopathists.

Treatments offered

As strict nature cure practitioners, in our centre, we believe that all diseases can be cured with change and improvement in food habits, sunbath, mud bath, bathing habits, simple asanas, breathing exercises, pranayamas (basic) etc and so we offer the basic nature cure set up treatments.

Our treatments are designed in such a way that, you will find it easy to follow in your home, once you go back from our centre after your training in lifestyle.

We offer

Diet - Cooked, Fruit and Juice Diet


Yogha - asanas, pranayamas, meditation, kriyas to the extent required by our usual patients with an individualised approach.

Sun Bath, Banana Leaf Bath

Hip Bath, Spinal Bath

Mud Bath

Classes on Nature cure, and a homely feeling.

-----This class for in-patients starts from 9 AM and ends by 10:30 AM.

This is free and open for the public on all days. Confirm before arrival. Call / Whatsapp +919842293322

Duration of Stay

As Nature cure is mainly a lifestyle modification to revert back the body and mind to normalcy and better health, it becomes a necessity for health seekers to stay in our centre for a minimum of 10 days. We do not admit anybody less than 10 days. Maximum stay is the liking of the person staying and we reserve the rights of admission at all times. However, for serious problems like cancer in any part of the body including blood, kidney failure, severe asthma, severe diabetes, a combination of more diseases, thyroid or any other hormonal imbalance, high degree of obesity (more than 100 and up to 150) and many other problems like this, the minimum duration of stay of 10 days is not sufficient. They may have to stay according to our advice, but still, they can get trained with new lifestyle habits in 10 days and continue in their home.


It is a common practice in any hospital to admit patients only with one or two assistants for the patient. Our hospital is no exception, except for people who are not having serious troubles, who can do their daily routine by themselves, and for whom we suggest that an extra person is not required to take care of the patient.

Age limit

We have admitted patients ranging from 10 days after birth to 80 years old. In a strict sense, we do not have any age limit, but we do analyse the person, his/her disease, ability to recuperate and if in a very terminal condition, we try to provide some gain in health or reducing the disease pain and suffering, which is very effective for many patients.

We reserve the right of admission at all times.

Admission Procedure

Admission timings - Morning hours, 7 AM to 11 AM on all days.

Prior consulting is recommended. People coming for admission should intimate their time and date of arrival and strictly follow it.

And please plan yourself in a way that you will not be leaving our centre on any Fridays, as discharge on Fridays is not allowed.


Fix your appointment for either consulting or admission by speaking directly to any one of the 2 doctors by phone. Consulting time is only in the morning hours. If you plan to come by 8:30 AM in the morning, you can attend a class on nature cure, designed for our patients and it can make you understand the benefits and principles and simplicity of nature cure.